More neckties than i can deal with

Tail – complete (021110Tail.JPG)

Originally uploaded by Elaine with Grey Cats.

I”ve decided that i’m not going to do much more work on the tie-phoenix other than completing the wings and tail as they are.

So i have a multitude of old neckties that i need to give up. I could dump them at Goodwill (or equivalent) but wondered if crafty folks know of folks who might like to use them for something — should i eBay them? etsy them? In bunches of three or five of the same color scheme? I don’t know that anyone would want all of them, and I want to keep mailings manageable. Ideally i’d keep the packages under 13 oz so i could just drop off the packages, but that’s only a few ties….


One Response to “More neckties than i can deal with”

  1. [...] This was the beginning of a test project, a proof of concept for a larger project i was considering. I used crochet thread to create a base strap — the blue stripe down the center. That then became the carrier thread when i began crocheting the short strips of scrap necktie silk (or polyester). To reduce some of the bulkier aspects, i only looped the carrier thread under the previous row, so the neck tie scraps were almost like a chain. [...]