Tenthmonth Challenge: ArtSoMoFo

Thanks to LiveJournal’s new “consumer” use of OpenID, i feel i can “join” a community there (although apparently i can only “watch” and comment by LJ’s definition.) The community — and challenge — is artsomofo: a challenge to “art something” every day in October. The past ten days or so, i’ve been plowing through all the ephemera and scraps i’ve been collecting as part of a “discover my desk, oh, and there must be a floor, too” activities. now that the workspace is available — using it seems like a good next step. I’m a little intimidated by the posting requirement. It seems documenting creations can take as long as the creative act itself. And i have to admit that the prep i’ll do in Ninthmonth is not preparing art surfaces so much as trying to catch up on filing.

Still, a challenge!

For the curious, here’s my new LJ profile.

3 Responses to “Tenthmonth Challenge: ArtSoMoFo”

  1. Lohan says:

    Hi! I saw you’ve left a comment there. But why don’t you create a user account there; Just to post images to the artsomofo? :-) That will be easy.


  2. judielaine says:

    @Lohan: I suppose you could say i’m an OpenID evangelist. The technology is something LJ helped innovate, and they seem to be improving the “consumer” interface. By voting with my usage, i hope i can influence the build out.

    See you in October!

  3. Lohan says:

    Yeah I agree. I too wanted some facility (of course OpenID is the one) for non LJ visitors to interact with journals. But I don’t think LJ will provide a way to post things to a journal there, without getting an account. Just like you can’t post anything here on this WP blog without being a registered user :-)