JEB-ATC2004.03 Acrylic experiments

2004-07-11 Gessoed ATC cards with liquitex gesso & liquitex gesso tinted with golden carbon black.

2004-07-12 Mixed up a palete of golden regular gel medium and golden liquid acrylics. My cerulean blue mix incorporates zinc white, a heavy body acrylic, and the white definitely lends a great deal of opacity to the paint. Otherwise, the paints were very translucent. I did use metallic gold and stainless steel.

My inital desire was to create a time sequence running across the strip of the four cards, a “sea” scape going from calm to turbulent to calm. I wanted to catch an erotic energy of the red and blue mixing. I chose red for the “sea” as the standard color of passion, as a fluid, blood.

The lack of opacity in the paints changed how i dealt with the horizon. I think i will retry with more opaque paints (how? increase the pigment load in the gel? add more zinc?)

I don’t think this image benefits from the black ground — i should do starscapes on the remaining four black gesso ATC — and gesso up some more ATC!

JEB-ATC2004.03.01-04 On black gesso
JEB-ATC2004.03.05-08 On white gesso

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