Fancy Fur Collar

Fancy Fur Collar

Originally uploaded by Elaine with Grey Cats.

A stressful weekend was ameliorated by working with the “fancy fur” — an eyelash plus boucle yarn. The stitches are impossible to see in the riot of yarn, so it was impossible to be a perfectionist.

And as evidence of the imperfection comes to light, i tuck the loose loops back in.

I wanted something that would keep the chill off my shoulders when i read in bed. It’s a somewhat shaped piece, fanning out over the shoulders and then fanning down from the yolk that the shoulder pieces made.

This photo is shows the results from two skeins of Lion Fancy Fur in “northern lights” with a big hook. (The red one. Hmmm.) From almost two skeins of the “purple passion” i made a very simple scarf.

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