Artistamp for January

I completed my Omnibus Artistamp Project submission for the theme, “Come to your SENSES.” I’m sending in the one with the 200 denomination. They’re all visible at Flickr for the time being.

The Meyer Lemon is a call to sensual awakening. The bright yellow fruit attracts the eye. The hand reaches out to touch the cool, smooth skin of the fruit, the snap as the fruit is pulled from the tree, the first hint of the sweet sharp scent . A knife to the peel, carefully cutting just the zest, releases a dance of yellow, a spray of oils with a quiet gasp, the bouquet. The Meyer lemon is sweeter than a Persian lemon, the juice bringing me cheer and comfort mixed in fresh water.

This image began with a digital photo of a lemon on my tree, taken with silver mylar reflected sunlight and a white back board. A number of photoshop filters were applied to create an appearance of etching and simple printing requirements.

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